14 December 2022

The Differences Between Awareness and Acceptance

Throughout our lives, we are faced with many events, situations, experiences, and even people that shape our perception of the world. In all of these instances, we develop a sense of awareness; however, we do not always reach a point of acceptance. Despite this fact, most believe that awareness and acceptance are the same thing and often use these terms interchangeably; when, in fact, they are two very different concepts. In this brief blog, we are going to expound on the differences between awareness and acceptance, on a general level. Whether you are reading this as one suffering from grief, experiencing depression, going through a change in your life, suffering from some degree of addiction, such as problem drinking, or are simply facing situations in life that you are attempting to come to terms with, you are sure to better understand these concepts by the time you have completed reading this explanation.

What is Awareness?

In most instances, the term “awareness” is defined as a type of knowledge or an individual’s perception of certain facts, situations, events, experiences, or people. This is a highly accurate definition and explains the concept thoroughly; however, awareness is more. Awareness is a term that is used to describe the highly subjective nature of our level of consciousness. While many scientific thinkers attempt to explain, theorize, or even use logic-based paradigms and algorithms to accurately measure and define consciousness, it simply cannot – currently – be accurately and completely explained. We do know, though, that awareness is the ability of our brain to process information in our environment, in our mind, and in our world so that it directly relates to our individual experiences and knowledge. As we move through life, our sense of awareness changes according to that which we experience. While many are aware of their sense of awareness, there are others that are simply not aware – whatsoever – of their level of awareness. However, to reach our optimal best in life, we must focus on making our awareness of awareness heightened. In doing so, we not only become more familiar with our world and the aspects, thereof, but, we also become more familiar with ourselves.

What is Acceptance?

“Acceptance” is a term that is typically defined as the consenting of receiving and/or undertaking of that which is occurring or being offered. Acceptance is more, though – especially as it pertains to the events, experiences, situations, and people that we come in contact with throughout our lives. It is a form of awareness. It is in the “moment” and it typically does not include any bias or judgment. Throughout history, acceptance has been viewed as a concept that brings higher levels of happiness and joy. It is a concept that allows us to move forward in a positive and productive manner. By accepting that which we are subjected, we are avoiding complications that could have a detrimental impact on our thoughts, our feelings, and our progression in life. Many believe that acceptance is, truly, the first step to progress.

While awareness and acceptance seem to many to be one in the same, they are different concepts that are required to push us forward in life. These concepts are different, but they do go hand in hand and are required to become alerted to our world and to achieve our best in life….


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