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Processing Traumatic Events

Some events can leave a deep and lasting impression on people’s lives. For some, processing the event on their own terms is the most natural thing to do. Others develop psychological problems, often as a result of re-experiencing the traumatic event in frightening images (flashbacks, intrusive images) and nightmares.Traumatic experiences can have a lasting impact on people's lives.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is a type of anxiety-based disorder, is often caused by a specific, horrific event - or a series of traumatic experiences. Some people process the emotional reaction to these events on their own. Others develop psychological problems, usually whereby the traumatic event is being re-experienced in fearful images (flashbacks) and nightmares.

What is EMDR

EMDR, or "Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing," is a therapy that was created in the 1980s as a way to help people who have experienced traumatic events. EMDR has been described by psychologists as a relatively new therapy, which has been further developed and elaborated over the years to be an effective and acknowledged therapeutic method.

EMDR is Evidence-Based and Effective

A lot of scientific evidence has shown that EMDR is an effective treatment. In my clinical practice I also see that many clients respond well to it.

EMDR Works Both for Single Events and for Complex Trauma

EMDR is a brief therapy, so it's very helpful for people who have experienced one single traumatic event. After a few sessions, they're able to continue with their daily activities like work and study. But EMDR is also very helpful for people who have endured longer-lasting traumatic events or when the problems are more complex. In these circumstances EMDR obviously requires more time.

How You and I Will Work Together

When you come to see me, you and I together will assess the specific circumstances that have led to your psychological problems. This includes taking into account your individual strengths and weaknesses, as well as how much difficulty you are experiencing as a result of them. Based on this information, we will decide together whether trauma treatment – specifically EMDR – is the best option for you.

What Does An EMDR Session Look Like

In an EMDR session I will ask you to recall your traumatic event, in particular the associated images, thoughts, and feelings. At first I need this to learn more about the traumatic event.

Recalling the Traumatic Event

I will ask you to recall the traumatic event again, but now I will ask you to distract yourself by tapping on your shoulders or legs. These distractions are called a set. After each set there is a little break during which I will ask you what comes up.This procedure usually results in a stream of thoughts and images but also feelings and bodily sensations. Usually something changes after each set. After each set, I will ask you to focus on what you noticed as the most obvious change.

Memories Tend to Fade

After a number of sets, memories fade and become less powerful. Then it becomes easier to think about and process an event. However, it is also possible for less pleasant aspects of a memory to come forward.

EMDR Leads to New Insights

Often new insights or thoughts arise that provide a more meaningful implication of what actually happened. These effects contribute to an event becoming more integrated into one's life.

Processing Takes Place During and After the Session

The effects of an EMDR session can continue for a couple of days, and it's normal for new images or feelings to arise. It's usually comforting to know that this doesn't last for more than three days. To get the best understanding of this new balance, I recommended that you keep a brief diary of these changes so we can discuss them in the next session.

How EMDR Works

EMDR has been shown to work for treating traumatic memories. Exactly how EMDR works is still uncertain. In any case, the natural and normal processing seems to be stimulated by the bilateral stimulation (tapping your shoulders or legs). There is also a lot of scientific research that shows that bilateral stimulation increases the access to memories, and that the bilateral stimulation in EMDR automatically leads to physical relaxation.

Storing Memories

This combination of effects influences how we deal with our memories. As a result, our memories change and will be stored differently in long term memory, in a less emotional way.

EMDR for Anxiety, Depression, Burnout, and More

Memories and images play an important role in a variety of psychological problems and disorders, including chronic pain, eating disorders, and depression. When we are stuck in a negative memory or image, it can be hard to move on. I also use EMDR to help people with burnout and other work related issues.

Dr. Michiel Bosman

Consultant Psychiatrist & Executive Coach

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Mental-Health Expert

Dr Michiel Bosman is a Consultant Psychiatrist and a Board Certified Executive Coach. He has spent most of his life in the Netherlands, and now lives in the Caribbean.

Positive Psychology

All the research evidence in the world is useless if you do not feel you are benefiting from it. That is why your goals and needs are central in our work together.


I work according to the most current evidence-based, multidisciplinary professional guidelines to make sure you get state-of-the-art treatment.

Reach Your Full Potential

It is my mission to help you reach your full potential in life through happiness and success.


Looking for an online EMDR therapist?


I am an online psychiatrist. I focus on EMDR (trauma) therapy.

Scroll down to learn more about EMDR, or use this form to book a free 20 minute introductory session. 

Whatever brings you here, my main focus is always to create a positive experience for you.

Dr. Michiel Bosman

Psychiatrist & Executive Coach


Online Sessions via Zoom

I have specialized in online mental health services, and I have found that they can be even better than traditional therapy appointments. Our Zoom sessions are in fact virtual home visits, which results in a much more intimate form of therapy.

Also, if you travel often, live abroad, have a busy lifestyle, or value your privacy, online mental health services may be much more practical than office visits.

Cost and Insurance Coverage

Please note that I do not accept insurance for my services. Unless you are insured by certain specific insurers, it is more likely than not that you will not be reimbursed by your insurance company.


My clients have found there are some advantages to paying for services out-of-pocket. When you pay for our services directly, you have more control over your treatment and do not have to worry about insurance restrictions or waiting for approval. Additionally, paying out-of-pocket can help ensure that your privacy is protected, as insurance companies often require access to your personal health information. I am committed to ensuring that you feel that paying for my services directly is a worthwhile investment in your health and wellbeing. 


Dr. Michiel Bosman

Consultant Psychiatrist & Executive Coach


Registered as a psychiatrist in the Netherlands (BIG-register # 99047811101), modern technology has allowed me to provide care to clients worldwide.

Read more

Can online EMDR therapy really help me overcome trauma/PTSD?

What you have experienced, especially if it has been ongoing, can be a heavy burden to carry. However, rest assured that you have come to the right place for help. Our approach to healing through online EMDR therapy is not just about addressing the symptoms of trauma/PTSD, but about getting to the root of the pain and healing those deeper wounds. Through our sessions, you will learn practical skills, gain a deeper understanding of yourself, and transform the way you think, feel, and interact with the world. Though it may take time, we are here to help you lighten your load and reclaim your life.

I'm worried about what my family will think about me seeking help for trauma/PTSD.

It takes a lot of courage to seek help, especially when you worry about what others might think. But please know that your decision to seek online EMDR therapy is a testament to your self-love and wisdom, and not something that should be judged or criticized. It's natural for people who have never experienced counseling for trauma/PTSD to have some misconceptions about it. However, the most important thing is that you are taking steps to heal yourself. Your family's or friends' perceptions (if you choose to share your situation with them) should not deter you from prioritizing your own well-being. You deserve to be happy and live the life you deserve, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

I am concerned about scheduling difficulties for my online EMDR sessions

We understand that scheduling can be a challenge, especially with the demands of work, family, and other commitments. That's why online EMDR therapy offers significant advantages. With virtual therapy, you can easily schedule sessions at a time that works best for you, without having to worry about traveling to an office. We offer flexible scheduling, including weekend and evening hours, to accommodate your needs. And since our therapy sessions take place online, you can have your sessions in the comfort of your own home or anywhere you have an internet connection. We are here to make the healing process as convenient and stress-free as possible.


Let us help you change the way you see the world

If you are ready to take control of your life and overcome trauma/PTSD, therapy with us can empower you to make positive changes. Click here to book a free, 20-minute consultation with me and take the first step towards a brighter future. With our online EMDR therapy, you can work with a skilled and compassionate therapist from the comfort of your own home. We are here to support you every step of the way.





Worldwide Online Psychiatrist

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