For those living with mental health conditions, proper diet and exercise are an integral part of managing almost every related condition. Although an official cause has not yet been determined, symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) can be improved by the right kinds of physical activity and food. For those looking for additional ways to improve their symptoms, diet modifications are a wonderful place to start.
If you currently struggle with symptoms of OCD, explore foods that support healing, while avoiding any that can aggravate symptoms.
Photo by Whitney Wright on Unsplash
When searching for suitable diets and workouts to improve symptoms of this condition, one of the most helpful habits is consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables. Incorporating a diverse arrangement of produce into one’s diet nourishes the body with significant levels of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin B, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and potassium have been found to be particularly helpful in reducing symptoms. Some of the best fruits and vegetables to incorporate into one's diet include tomatoes, leafy greens, Brussels sprouts, and berries.
Omega-3 fatty acid is crucial for overall health, especially as it relates to promoting mental health. More specifically, studies have shown that omega-3 has the ability to help reduce anxiety. Since omega-3 is not naturally produced by the body, it is important to make an effort to regularly eat foods that contain the substance. Foods high in omega-3 include salmon, walnuts, chia seeds, and egg yolks.
As with other mental health conditions (such as depression and anxiety), alcohol and caffeine are not helpful when managing symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Because it is a stimulant, caffeine can worsen the associated feelings of anxiety (even in small quantities). And while alcohol may give the illusion of improving the disruptive symptoms of OCD, those who are working to manage the condition can develop an addiction to the substance. Also, it is especially dangerous to consume alcohol while taking certain medications for anxiety and depression. To best manage symptoms, it is important to steer clear of alcohol and caffeine altogether.
Because excess sugar consumption can negatively impact dopamine and serotonin levels in the body, it is essential to avoid when looking to promote healing of various mental health conditions, including obsessive-compulsive disorder. High sugar foods such as soft drinks, candy, and pastries should be avoided when possible.
While diet alone cannot fully eliminate the distressing symptoms of OCD, eating the right foods and avoiding the wrong foods can help manage symptoms. The first step in using food to improve symptoms is to assess your current diet as it relates to the foods listed above. From there, begin to incorporate more of the foods that support the management of symptoms, and eliminate those that can have a detrimental effect.
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