By Aditya Sudhir
It seems that you can do nothing about stress. There will never be more or fewer hours in a day, the bills won’t stop coming, and your family and work responsibilities will always be demanding. But a simple realization that you are in control of your life can make a great change. In fact, this realization is the foundation of stress management and a reminder of mistakes to avoid when you're dealing with stress.
Stress is the most commonly used term and is widely experienced in this modern civilized society. The definition says-" stress is our response to an event that disrupts or threaten to disrupt our physical or psychological functioning."
It is normally defined in terms of adjustment as when a person is not able to adjust to the demands that exceed his adjustment or coping capacity. He experiences physical and psychological changes that create problems for him. Anything that puts high demands can be stressful. Here are some of the common causes of stress:
Internal frustration comes from personal limitations such as physical deformity, struggle for power, considering you ugly, or lack of intelligence or prestige. Unrealistic high standards of life, high levels of aspiration also become a source of stress. Low self-concept and inferiority complex may lead to serious stress.
Stress has various side effects that damage our body. It causes fatigue, headache, sweating, high blood pressure, asthma, insomnia, alcoholism, drug addiction, peptic ulcer, rapid breathing, increased heartbeat, skin problems, baldness, etc.
There are certain behavioral disorders caused by stress like quarrelsomeness, lack of efficiency, incompetency, overeating, absent-mindedness, low performance, lack of concentration, irregularity, and lack of job satisfaction. Apart from worries, anxiety, phobia, irritability, restlessness, moodiness, hopelessness, apathy is also caused by stress. These stressful conditions lead to depression and other psychological problems. So, let us now see how to deal with these situations. Here are four simple ways to manage your stress and live a peaceful life.
Stress is known as a silent killer, and it can be very harmful if it is not addressed. When you are stressed, opt for a healthy lifestyle, and you will see the difference yourself.
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