14 December 2022

5 Heart Warming Compassion Blogs

These are 5 wonderful blog sites on compassion. Self-compassion and compassion for others help to enrich our lives and bring a more peaceful state of being. These blogs below will help you in understanding the necessity of compassion and what it means to live by this standard. If you feel that your life is lacking in compassion, please read these blogs posted below. In them, you will find out how to be more compassionate to others as well as learn how to be more compassionate to yourself.


These blogs offer a vast array of different ways to be more compassionate with yourself and with others. You are offered many resources on compassion as well as the psychology and science behind the concept. With titles such as "Embracing Our Common Humanity", "The Flip Side of Self-Compassion", "Why Caregivers Need Self-Compassion", and "The Psychology of Self-Compassion"; you will find just about every angle of compassion covered.


 Stanford Center for Compassion and Altruism

In these blogs, you will find stories and personal encounters on how compassion can be applied to everyday life. The blogs consist of, "Why Kindness Heals", "Real Magic", "Thinking About Thinking", "How To Apply The Science Of Happiness To Accelerate Your Success", and "CCT Founders And Senior Teachers Offer New Ways To Cultivate Compassion", to name a few. Each story written offers a personal viewpoint or story on how compassion of self or compassion towards others has helped change lives for the better.

Compassion It

Compassion It is a blog that consists of ways to lead a more compassionate life. It begins with an opening comment on the shooting in Orlando, Florida and goes on to discuss the reasons why you must not give up hope and faith in humanity and your fellow man. It encourages you to log off your online life to notice your surroundings and the people that may benefit from a little empathy in their lives. Create a ripple effect of goodness and compassion. Lead by example!

ACT With Compassion

The blogs here involve topics of shaming and self-compassion. Meditative ways and ideas are posted on this blog to help you become a more compassionate individual. The founder of these blogs has been hard at work to help those clients that are self-critical and shame-prone and offers, much needed, advice on how to be more compassionate to yourself. You will also find guided meditations to help you in your journey to find the self-compassion that you both need and deserve. This blog also includes research updates!

Practice Compassion

Learn to find the compassion that will help you through all things. These are a list of different blogs that offer you various scenario's in life and how to handle them or overcome them by practicing compassion. From compassion focused therapy to Using compassion imagery to help with anxiety, these stories have excellent tips on how to handle even the toughest situations through the act of compassion. This form of psychotherapy is being used to help those with feelings of anxiety and much more.


Through these stories and helpful tips, you can ease your way into a life that is open and compassionate. Acceptance of self and acceptance of those around you can help you find a greater peace of mind. If you're searching to live a life with less anxiety and self-criticism, then these are the perfect resources for you. Taking the time out to read one of these stories each day will help you to have a more open mind about how you, yourself, work on an internal level. Read about scientific studies as well as personal stories from people around the world.

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